Ensure Transparency in Equity and Inclusion–Across the Globe

Accoree amplifies sustainability goals into action across your network with ESG transparency and management tools for your unique needs

Simple solutions to attendance and compliance issues



Determine which suppliers best match with your company’s ESG goals with Accoree’s ESG research tool


Accoree ranks applicable suppliers on ESG maturity level through our unique registration and evaluation process.


Suppliers receive an ESG index score based on benchmarks, standards and codes of conduct.


Our teams work in concert with suppliers to update policies and remediate shortfalls and ESG gaps. We assist clients in increasing stakeholder awareness and locating new suppliers throughout their network.


Assessments crafted by seasoned sustainability professionals using thorough research,international benchmarks, ethical guidelines, and industry-acknowledgedmethodologies.

  • An ESG Index designed to monitor your supply chain's development in alignment with industry-specific standards.
  • A worldwide platform for effortless identification and engagement with sustainable and diverse suppliers.
  • Up-to-the-minute analytics on pivotal subjects.


A centralized risk management center serving the entire supply chain.

With Acoree, you gain a comprehensive perspective of your supply chain, enabling you to manage and conduct due diligence on both direct and indirect suppliers. This encompasses areas like sustainability, safety, workforce, financials, liability, and cybersecurity risks.

Streamlined and standardized assessment.

Effortlessly assess supplier qualifications through automated ESG evaluations, utilizing a wide range of universally recognized standards such as International Sustainability Standards, the Global Reporting Initiative, and Sustainable Development Goals

Tailored, adaptable evaluations for all supplier categories.

Our evaluations adapt dynamically according to supplier classification and specific client requirements.

Assess and enhance ESG maturity.

Monitor your suppliers' growth over time through incremental evaluations and take recommended actions to boost their ESG Index scores and sustainability initiatives.

Tailored, adaptable evaluations for all supplier categories.

Our evaluations adapt dynamically according to supplier classification and specific client requirements.

Collaboration with Third Parties

Accoree has entered into a partnership withSustain.Life,an emerging sustainabilitysoftware company specializing in small and medium-sized businesses. This partnershipoffers suppliers the opportunity to access over 100 practical guides for enhancingsustainability in all facets of their business operations, either for free or at a discountedrate.Sustain.Lifeempowers businesses to effortlessly implement ambitioussustainability strategies that align with prominent certification and reporting standards.ThroughSustain.Life,suppliers can access the following tools:

  • Emission calculators to facilitate a rapid assessment of their carbon footprint for client reporting.
  • Predefined action plans that suppliers can swiftly implement to enhance their sustainability performance, regardless of their level of expertise.
  • Mechanisms for aligning with standards, providing reporting frameworks, and achieving certifications.
  • A policy builder tool that equips companies with best-practice policy language for creating customized sustainability policies.
  • Carbon offset options that allow users to compensate for their emissions by funding projects to reduce CO2 emissions elsewhere. These projects encompass a range of solutions, from nature-based initiatives like re-forestation and soil restoration through technological solutions such as underground carbon capture.

Actions for Suppliers

Accoree empowers you to learn and navigate new procedures, enabling you to align with your clients' ESG demands. Accoree's Sustainability & ESG solution equips suppliers with the necessary resources

to address ever-evolving sustainability prerequisites and grants access to the client network. These dual advantages pave the way for compliance, allowing you to showcase your value and diversity to customers. Guided ESG Adherence: We furnish materials on the most recent Sustainability & standards and requisites, guiding you through new procedures, ensuring you comprehend the advantages of certification, and facilitating a swift onboarding onto the platform.Client Network Exposure: Sustainable and diverse suppliers receive visibility on the Avetta platform, making it easy for ESG-focused clients to identify qualified suppliers that align with their requirements.Unified and User-Friendly Platform: We enable centralized management of all supply chain compliance, streamlining administrative tasks to free up more of your time for on-site work.

Explore how various organizations are successfully addressing the swiftly evolving challenges related to governance and ESG within the supply chain through these resources and webinars.
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